Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We welcome the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation

Welcome to my latest client The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation

ROWE as competitive advantage for nonprofits

Writing in the Boston Globe, Joana Weiss notes that a few companies have embraced a radical form of flexibility: the Results Only Work Environment/’ which posits that when and where people work is irrelevant, so long as the work gets done. But far more often, a pliable schedule is a benefit reserved for a lucky few, or carved out on a case-by-case basis. Instead of treating flexibility in the work place as an added benefit, perhaps we should be thinking of it as a competitive advantage.

Getting More Done....

Looking to get more done without more staff? Pioneered by Best Buy (not a high tech industry!), Results Only Work Environments are paying off for some companies as detailed in Part Two of a recent three part NPR series

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Creating The Enthusiastic Employee

In order to navigate this economic stress, we'll need enthusiastic and motivated employees. In this 20 minute talk at TED, author Daniel Pink gives an engaging and thought provoking look at what motivates employees...and the difference between 'task oriented' jobs and 'cognitive/creative work'

Of course, I address that here

Board Effectiveness Starts With the Chairperson

Even the most extraordinary nonprofit CEO cannot achieve the enterprise's fullest potential without a good board chair, as explained by Alice Korngold in Fast Company

What will be the new nonprofit model?

The nonprofit business model of the past 30-40 years is dying. What will replace it? This discussion about The Innovators DNA describes the type of people who will create the new model. Is this you?


Apologies!...have tried to migrate old posts to Blogger.....little success.  Will probably just repost the most popular ones from the past two years here

Why Cant We Get More Done?

We know a lot. We have the most educated workforce in the world....and yet, how often do we sit and wonder why our organizations aren't getting more done. Stanford business professor and noted writer Jeffery Pfeffer has some thoughts worth reading The interview is nearly 10 years old, but the questions are as relevant as ever.